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January Meeting

The Magic of Metaphor:
Transform Your Writing with Powerful Imagery
with Judy Baker

“A metaphor is not an ornament. It is an organ of perception.” –Neil Postman

Metaphors are the secret sauce of impactful writing. They have the power to ignite imagination, enrich storytelling, and make your message unforgettable, whether you're crafting fiction, nonfiction, or marketing materials.

Join Judy M. Baker for an interactive exploration of metaphorical magic. Together, we'll uncover how metaphors can:

This hands-on session will inspire and empower you to infuse your writing with fresh, compelling metaphors that resonate with readers. Bring your favorite writing tools—pen and paper or digital device—and prepare to see your words in a new light. Experience the transformative power of metaphors as they open windows to your creative dreams.


Judy M. Baker is a book marketing strategist, speaker, author of The Buzzworthy Book Blueprint and creator of the Buzzworthy Book Experience. She helps nonfiction authors attract their ideal clients, grow their influence, and seamlessly integrate book marketing into their business.  Judy is a professional speaker and leader with Redwood Writers, BAIPA, and co-host of the Grand Authors Group. Authors who work with Judy gain the confidence and skills to elevate their books from overlooked to impactful. Learn more about Judy at bookmarketingmentor.com 


Where: Napa Valley Unitarian Universalists, 1625 Salvador Ave., Napa

When: Saturday, January 11, 10:00 AM to Noon

Cost: NVW members $5, Guests $10, Students Free with ID

For more information, contact napavalleywriters@gmail.com.

Open Mic

@ Napa Library

Thursday, January 30, 6:00-7:30 PM

Join us for Open Mic Night!

Take this opportunity to share your prose and poetry with the Napa writing and reading community.


Where: Napa County Library, 580 Coombs St., Napa CA

When: Thursday, January 30, 6-7:30 PM

Cost: Free

For more information, contact napavalleywriters@gmail.com.